James Fator

Hacking my Bluetooth headset

22 August 2014

I picked up a Bluetooth headset last spring but was disappointed when I realized I can't play/pause my Google Music app with the media buttons on the device. Even when iTunes isn't open, when I press the play button on the side, you would expect it to act like the play button on the keyboard, yet it goes ahead and launches iTunes instead.

After spending some time researching the solution on the internet, I saw that most people had complex work-arounds that sometimes even involved deleting the iTunes application entirely, which I didn't really care for so I took a look at it myself.

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Machine Learning in 2048

10 June 2014

For whatever reason, I spent my most recent spring break working on an AI solver for the famous game 2048. I planned on it being a first introduction to machine learning and man... was it rough.

Creating the 2048 engine from scratch was pretty easy; the hard part was making it fast enough. I was going for the reinforced learning route using a Least-Squares Temporal Difference Learning algorithm. This basically meant that the game would very, very slowly learn to value certain moves/board configurations more than others. My goal was not just to beat the game, but to teach the program to generate and utilize a neural network to create complex predictions of which would determine the best move to make. When we take this route, we can avoid going deeper and deeper into the min-max hole; which, isn't a bad thing necessarily, it's just that I wanted to go fast!

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WattBuddy on CBSNews.com

24 April 2014

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WattZ hits App Store and the American Energy Data Challenge

31 March 2014

The second iOS app I worked on is finally in the App Store! WattZ allows you to quickly estimate the electricity usage of virtually any house in the US, helping prospective renters or homeowners eliminate big surprising bills.

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GMM Hits Tech Blogs!

01 March 2014

The Google Music wrapper I wrote for OS X last May has been really popular lately. We ended up landing on websites like cnet and Lifehacker! They have mostly been focusing on kbhomes' version, but it's still an honor.

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iOS App Challenge at RIT

06 February 2014

My team and I created an app that calculates estimated electric usage for the recent iOS coding challenge at RIT hosted by Apple.

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RotaGesture for Android

29 December 2013

UPDATE 08/09/2020: This app had a good run and is no longer on the app store.

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